Archive for April, 2009

The Standing Conference on Religion and Belief

Good news from the BBC! A new group has been created called the Standing Conference on Religion and Belief which will be liasing with the BBC on matters of religion and belief and it includes a humanist representative, Andrew Copson from the British Humanist Association (BHA). It is believed that this will replace the BBC’s currently existing Central Religious Advisory Committee (CRAC).

I think this is a very promising development for a number of reasons. Firstly, I think it’s great that there is now someone that the BBC can consult who helps represent those who are not religious and also humanist perspectives. Secondly, this should mean that the BBC is looking to include more humanist perspectives and features about humanism and other non-believers in their programming. Finally, my personal hope is that this presents an opportunity for the BBC to take a more integrated approach to religion and belief. Instead of keeping religious programmes separate, I would like to see programmes looking at a broad range of perspectives from across the many beliefs. Society benefits when we have an increased understanding of each other’s beliefs and cultures. When we recognise the contributions that come from other beliefs and perspectives we gain tolerance, respect and compassion for others. Ultimately, all humans have the same needs and the same fears. I believe that a media service which is funded by the public has a responsibility to educate and promote understanding and tolerance. With the formation of this new group I hope to see the BBC taking on the challenge.

Humanism Universe

Apologies for the intermittent updates at the moment, I’ve been a little busy lately. In the meanwhile, I’d like to recommend the Humanism Universe site on Netvibes which has been created by Bob Churchill of the British Humanist Association. Basically, it’s a portal for all sorts of media, sites and people related to humanism and it’s maintained by the British Humanist Association. Various pages gather together newsfeeds and blogs related to humanism, secularism, religion, the BHA, science, arts and culture and plenty more. There are also newsfeeds for distinguished supporters of the BHA so it’s a great way to get an overview of what humanists are saying and thinking right now, be they politicians, authors, scientists, you name it. So go on over and take a look around! Don’t forget to send them a link to your humanist blog if you are a BHA member or send them suggestions for good sites they might have missed out.

Visit Humanism Universe.